Denim & Derby

2018 Off-Shoots Garden Club Denim and Derby Committee
Andrea Newell, Christina Powell, Janet Richey, Katie Parnell Robinson, Krisalyn Crye, Whitney Weaver, Hayley Romeo, Not pictured Sally Williams

Each spring, the spring party committee of the Off-Shoots Garden Club throws their annual Denim and Derby party to celebrate the running of the Kentucky Derby.  This party is always the first Saturday in May and has been hosted at Whippoorwill Hill, the Richey Home, and this year at Southland Sporthorses.  Amid the gorgeous weather, mint juleps and small batch bourbon, guests enjoyed being served Kentucky hot browns and other traditional fare.   Guests were encouraged to arrive prior to “post time” dressed  in traditional Kentucky Derby attire from the waist up and a deep south vibe from the waist down.  Traditional derby hats and head pieces adorned the heads of the ladies followed by a friendly hat competition.  Live music carried the attendees well into the evening.  Now an annual event, all members are invited to attend and have a limited  number of guest tickets available.